When you purchase a new car, it is often one of the biggest investments you can make, other than buying a home. Vehicles can be very expensive, and you must protect your investment so that it continues to look as clean, shiny, and impressive as it was when you left the dealership.
When you make your way on the streets and highways of Naples, Florida, during everyday driving, it is common that tiny rocks, debris, and other things on the road are kicked up and may land on your car. Everyone has likely heard the familiar sound of rock chips occurring on their cars' paint. There is a way to prevent these chips and scratches from happening.
At Naples Auto Armor, our team of qualified dealers can provide you with the information and details you need concerning the best option for protecting your vehicle's paint: paint protection film. When you opt for protection film on painted surfaces, it will be professionally installed, and you can rest assured that your car will be secure against rocks, salt, trash, tree sap, hail, and any other road debris.
When it comes to painting protection film installation in Southwest Florida, there are many advantages to the investment. Come on into Naples Auto Armor at our Naples location to discuss the process of installing the protection film as well as a more detailed explanation of the following benefits:
If these reasons have gotten you interested in paint protection film for your vehicle, contact our certified experts at Naples Auto Armor to learn more about the process and to request a free quote.
Paint protection films, or "clear bras," are films made of thermoplastic urethane, which can self-heal if a knick or chip occurs on the high gloss surface of your vehicle. Having a clear bra installed on a vehicle has become increasingly popular and necessary due to car manufacturers' use of more environmentally-friendly paints that are more susceptible to chips and scratches.
Paint protection film prevents constant paint correction services because the film keeps the paint safe. If you want to maintain the sheen of the vehicle's paint job long after you purchased the car, installing paint protection film is a great option.
At Naples Auto Armor, we offer a variety of paint protection film packages suited to the needs of every client, including the option for matte finishes and custom paint finishes. We are proud to provide the following bra paint protection film package options:
Our team at Naples Auto Armor is happy to discuss the specifics of each of these packages and offer recommendations for your particular vehicle. We know how much you care about the aesthetic of your car, and a blemish or rock chip is not going to maintain that aesthetic. Call us to get scheduled.
The partial front-end package is designed for affordability. However, it comes at the price of limitation.
This service includes:
The full front-end package gives the entire front end of your car a protective covering against blemishes while on the road or in parking lots.
This service includes:
The drivers package is one many clients go for. It covers almost the entire car but leaves a few parts vulnerable.
This service includes:
The full body package is the one we advise every client to go for. If you intend to keep your entire vehicle clean and clear for years no matter what road you drive on, you should buy this last package. It is designed for the roughest and toughest terrains possible.
Applying a protective clear bra to automotive vehicles is one of our top services and we put our heart and soul into delivering an excellent finish.
We start by preparing the car for its new look by thoroughly washing off any dirt from the surface and decontaminating it.
A paint correction job is necessary to prevent scratches from appearing under the invisible XPEL film.
After the paint correction job, we wash the entire vehicle again for a complete neutral paint surface to work with.
At this point, we need to begin the installation of XPEL generously and strategically to ensure that the entire surface of the car is covered and protected.
We finish off the process by reassembling all the previously detached parts after curing. Every panel is meticulously stretched and trimmed for a true custom installation. Our goal is to make your paint protection film installation virtually undetectable.
We at Naples Auto Armour stand behind our craftsmanship. This includes any bubbling, peeling, lifting, and particulate (within reason) that may tarnish film installation quality due to our installation negligence. Film compromise due to installation negligence will generally show itself within 90 days after application. Our approach to Paint Protection Film is to wrap and tuck as many edges as the film and vehicle intricacy allows.
Sometimes we get carried away and push farther than the capabilities of the film and what is durable for the long term. If this happens it is not the end of the world, a quick trip to the shop to trim a few millimetres back is all this is required. You will even get a free wash out of it! Customer satisfaction is our number one priority; we will do what is necessary to make it right.
Our relationship does not end when your vehicle leaves our studio, you will be properly educated and equipped with the necessary products to maintain your vehicle the right way. You will drive a new car every day.
Over the years, computer-cut patterns have become more popular with installation shops due to ease of installation, film waste, and efficiency. However, computer-cut patterns do have limitations when your goal is to wrap and tuck as many edges as possible. For this reason, we employ a combination of modified computer-cut patterns and bulk installation techniques to achieve the finish we desire. Bulk installation is the process of taking a bulk sheet of material and manually stretching and trimming for a true custom installation, this is especially beneficial on hoods and fenders where we are able to make the film virtually undetectable with minimal edges shown. This is important on light coloured vehicles where edges are prone to attracting dirt that can make an edge or seam more noticeable over time.
There are hundreds of PPF brands putting out products that don't deliver the quality we want to give to our customer base. We know how important it is that our customer gets excellence. And for that, we chose to work with the top clear bra company in the industry.
The XPEL film features the following:
There is a reason that XPEL PPF is the best on the market. It has been tested, and we trust it to keep your vehicle safe from scratches for years to come!
If you are in the Naples, FL, area and looking for the premier paint protection film installers, you have come to the right place. Our team is available to answer any of your questions concerning the protection film packages, and we would love the opportunity to address any concerns you may have as well.
When your car is in prime condition, you want to keep it that way. You must protect the vehicle's vulnerable areas and keep everything in tip-top shape. Contact Naples Auto Armor today at
(239) 300-9985 to schedule an appointment to install paint protection film on your Naples, FL, vehicle.